4 self care habits that are helping me right now
Self care - it gets a bit of a bad rep, doesn’t it? Over the past few years the phrase has been commercialised to help sell bath bombs and face masks, but when it comes down to it, good self care is really about slowing down, checking in, and giving yourself the opportunity to show up as the very best version of you.
When you think about it like that, self care has never been more necessary than it is right now. During these weird times it’s easy to become overwhelmed and anxious, but I’ve found that there are a few self care habits that have really helped. So today, I thought I’d share them in case they can help you too!
Daily journaling
If you’ve been around here for any length of time then you’ll know I’m a big fan of journaling. Putting pen to paper really helps me to process all of my thoughts and find some focus and clarity, and that has definitely been the case in the last month or so. Each morning I sit down with my notebook and try to fill 3 pages of stream of consciousness writing, which is essentially writing whatever is coming to mind. Afterwards I always feel so much lighter, and it’s helped me to stop any niggly worries or limiting beliefs in their tracks, too.
I’m fairly new to meditation - I was one of those people who kept telling myself that it didn’t really work for me without ever giving it a proper go, but at the back end of 2019 I downloaded the Headspace app and worked through their beginners course. I really enjoyed it and found that it definitely helped me to feel calmer and more resilient, and so it felt only natural to keep going with it when life started to feel more uncertain. I try to do 10 minutes everyday, and it definitely helps me to manage my anxiety.
Regular movement
One thing that has really helped me to stay positive and keep those good vibes going is exercise. Now don’t get me wrong - I’m by no means getting up and joining in with Joe Wicks every morning, but I am making the effort to squeeze in a walk/jog and some gentle yoga where I can. It’s definitely tempting to stay on the sofa and not bother, but I really notice that on the days when I sweat life feels that little bit more manageable.
Screen free time
Last but by certainly no means least, I’ve been trying to make sure I spend some time away from my phone and laptop each day. I can’t be the only one who finds they’re scrolling Instagram or checking the news more than ever before, but the more time I spend glued to a screen, the more anxious I tend to feel, so I’ve been making a real effort to put my phone away for a couple of hours each day and read, craft or do a puzzle instead. I always feel refreshed after a little time away, and I think it helps me to sleep better too.
What self care habits have been helping you recently?