What I learned in Q1 (+ some intentions for Q2)


Gosh, how strange it feels to sit down and reflect on the first quarter of 2020. After a pretty jam packed and life changing final quarter in 2019 (turning 30, leaving my job, taking my business full time), I’d planned for Q1 to be all about ease and simplicity. No big changes, no big pivots, just settling into my new routine and enjoying a slower pace of life.

It was all going pretty well. There were weeks filled with solo hikes and long weekends and exciting work opportunities. We had some mini adventures, I read a lot of books, and I was generally feeling like everything was moving in the right direction. And then, well, we all know what happened. 

It’s safe to say that life looks very different for all of us right now, and who knows what the coming weeks and months have in store. I’d wondered whether it was even bothering with my quarterly planning process with so much uncertainty in the air, but I’m so glad I did. Because not only did I realise that Q1 had been full of growth and learning that I was keen to reflect on, but also because it reminded me that while I don’t know exactly how Q2 will pan out, I can still set some intentions and choose how I want to show up.

With that in mind, here’s what I learned in Q1, and the intentions I’m holding close for Q2...

what I learned in Q1

I really, really love coaching

I mean, I already knew this, but working with more brilliant clients in Q1 really affirmed that I bloody LOVE coaching. It really is the part of my business that feels most rewarding, and it’s the work I find comes most naturally to me, too. It’s been such a treat to get deeper into this week over the last few months, and I also loved delivering my first group coaching programme - I’m really excited to see how I can further diversify my coaching products in the future and make this work I love so much an even bigger part of my business.

Good self care is good for business

One thing that really stood out for me when I was conducting my Q1 review was how closely linked my income was to my self care practices. It was interesting to see that when I was prioritising things like meditation, journaling, exercise and sleep, I made significantly more than in the months when I was working too much and not taking proper care of myself. It could of course just be a coincidence, but it’s something I want to test further in Q2.

All the work I do on my mindset is paying off

You guys know that I’m a big advocate for building a positive and resilient mindset, and I’ve invested a lot of time in the past few years in letting go of my limiting beliefs, re-writing the stories I tell myself and overcoming some of my biggest mindset blocks. If there’s one thing this crisis has taught me, it’s that that time has been a worthy investment! A few years ago this situation would have sent me into an absolute tailspin, but doing the work to get my mindset in a good place has meant that I’ve been able to stay on an even keel and appreciate all the little opportunities for joy.

I don’t need a lot to be happy

I think my biggest lesson from the last quarter is that I really don’t need a lot to be happy. Like many of you, I’m an ambitious person and I find it easy to get swept up in focusing on the next goal or achievement before I’ve even celebrated the last one. But having life stripped back to the basics over the last couple of weeks has reminded me that I don’t need to be always striving for more, because what I already have - a lovely husband, a business I adore, a cosy home - is more than enough to keep me feeling content. That’s something I want to remember long after life has returned to normality.

some intentions for Q2

Strengthen the foundations of my business

I’m really lucky that I’m still busy with work at the moment, but I have had to put some programmes or projects on hold for now, so I want to use the extra time freed up by that to focus on really strengthening the foundations of my business. There are some boring elements to that - moving my mailing list to a different hosting platform, working on some of my financial processes, making tweaks to my website, etc - but there’s some stuff I’m really excited about too, like investing in more training, reading the stack of business books next to my bed, and collaborating with people I admire in my industry. 

Re-establish good self care habits

As mentioned earlier on, a big focus for me in Q2 is to make those good self care habits a top priority, whatever the coming weeks and months throw our way! For me, that looks like daily meditation, getting at least 8 hours sleep a night, finding time for the things that bring me joy, and moving my body regularly. I’ve set myself a couple of little goals to help with this, which include completing the Couch to 5K programme, reading 25 books and trying to keep my Headspace streak going. 

Have some fun!

My last intention for Q2 is to make sure I’m having fun! The last few months have felt so heavy and serious, and while I’m sure there’s more unsettling times ahead, I want to remember that I can still choose to prioritise joy and fun, too. I want to try my hand at some new crafts, dance in the kitchen as much as possible, and generally make sure I’m making this time count, instead of simply waiting for the world to return to normal.

What did you learn in Q1? Have you set yourself any goals or intentions for Q2?

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4 self care habits that are helping me right now


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