50 ways to add more joy to your everyday


We’re led to believe that we need the big things in life to be happy. We think we need the shiny jobs and the big houses and the perfect partners, but the truth is that real happiness is born out of doing things that bring you joy every single day.

And so today, I thought I’d share a little list to get you started. Here are 50 ways to add more joy to your everyday…

1) Watch a sunrise.

2) Watch a sunset.

3) Read a book.

4) Take a bath.

5) Call your parents or grandparents.

6) Write a letter to a friend.

7) Bake a cake.

8) Play a boardgame.

9) Take a coffee break with yourself.

10) Stare up at the stars.

11) Sing along to the radio.

12) Try a new recipe.

13) Go for a long walk.

14) Plan something fun for the weekend.

15) Look through some old photos.

16) Get an early night.

17) Watch some comedy.

18) Turn your notifications off for an hour or so.

19) Watch your favourite film.

20) Do the annoying thing on your to do list.

21) Make a list of everything you’re grateful for.

22) Smile at a stranger.

23) Give yourself a mini facial.

24) Dream about the summer.

25) Pay someone a compliment.

26) Change your sheets - fresh bedding = heaven.

27) Wear an outfit that makes you feel good.

28) Buy yourself some flowers.

29) Listen to the bird song.

30) Hug someone.

31) Light the candle you’ve been saving for best.

32) Stretch.

33) Write in a fresh notebook.

34) Eat your 5 a day.

35) Dance to your favourite song.

36) Get up ten minutes earlier.

37) Try something new.

38) Volunteer to help somebody out.

39) Make something with your hands.

40) Take a nap.

41) Spring clean your house.

42) Cuddle a cute pet.

43) Get your thoughts down on paper.

44) Sing your heart out.

45) Drink the recommended amount of water.

46) Do something spontaneous.

47) Meditate.

48) Take your lunch hour.

49) Embrace your inner child.

50) Commit to doing something that brings you joy everyday.