5 Ways To Embrace This Endless Summer
I'm not even going to make any excuses for how much I have banged on about the weather on this blog recently, because truth be told, I am loving every second of it and I don't care who knows it! I know that not everybody is a huge fan of this mammoth heatwave, but as a sunshine obsessive, I can't get enough. It's been ace to pretend like we live in a hot country, and I genuinely can't remember the last time I had to wear a jumper. Bliss.
According to the weather men and women, the sunshine isn't about to disappear any time soon, so I thought I'd share a little post with my top tips for embracing it. Here are 5 ways to make the most of summer...
make the most of summer
1) Go to the coast
The British seaside can sometimes get a bit of a bad rep when compared to our Mediterranean neighbours, but when the temperatures are soaring and the sky is the perfect shade of blue, I genuinely don't think you can beat it. Plus, taking a dip in the bracing sea is the most refreshing way to cool off.
Put your best cossie on, pack a picnic and enjoy that feeling of calm and contentment that only comes with digging your feet into the sand and feeling the sea breeze on your skin.
2) Catch a sunrise and a sunset
There's nothing more beautiful at this time of year than a good old sunrise and sunset, so before the summer is out, why don't you make a plan to see them both properly? There's something about watching the sky turn all different shades of orange and pink that makes you stop and realise how vast life is, which is a lesson we all need to remember every now and then.
You'll definitely be tempted to take a couple of photos, but try and give yourself at least 5 minutes to just soak in Mother Nature's best work too.
3) Take your lunch break
I can't be the only who's guilty of getting so bogged down in my to do list that I end up eating my lunch at my desk or on the move from meeting to meeting? It's a crap habit to get into - we're all entitled to the break, and it does our brains and general productivity the world of good - but sometimes we need a bit of a nudge.
Why don't you try using the glorious sunshine as an excuse to step away from your desk for half an hour and soak up some rays? Eat your lunch outside, or stretch your legs with a short stroll around town - that little blast of vitamin D will do you the world of good.
4) Attend a festival
I genuinely believe that attending a music festival is one of the best possible things you can do when the weather is good in the UK. There's something so magical about dancing in the sunshine and singing along to your favourite band with hundreds of other people - it's good for the soul.
There are so many brilliant festivals in the UK now, ranging from one day events to week long affairs. But whether it's one of the famous weekenders or a tiny festival in your local village, you won't regret spending some time making fun memories in a field with your loved ones.
5) Live in the moment more
The last point on this list is probably the most important - no matter what else you do this summer, make sure you give yourself some time to really live in the moment. Let the sunshine fuel your spontaneity and get out there making memories that will get you through the long, cold winter that no doubt awaits us.
Take the road trip, book the flights, say yes to the after work drinks - this summer feels like a special and rare one, so make the most of it.
mke the most of summer
How will you be spending your summer?